Shop Leandro Trossard original painting Leandro Trossard original painting £275.00 sold out An A3 (12×16” / 30 × 40cm) painting of Leo doing his goggles celebration. This design comes as an artist’s original painting and is acrylic on canvas/deep edged wooden gesso art panel. It is stencil signed by Northbanksy. Add To Cart Leandro Trossard original painting £275.00 sold out An A3 (12×16” / 30 × 40cm) painting of Leo doing his goggles celebration. This design comes as an artist’s original painting and is acrylic on canvas/deep edged wooden gesso art panel. It is stencil signed by Northbanksy. Add To Cart
Shop Leandro Trossard original painting Leandro Trossard original painting £275.00 sold out An A3 (12×16” / 30 × 40cm) painting of Leo doing his goggles celebration. This design comes as an artist’s original painting and is acrylic on canvas/deep edged wooden gesso art panel. It is stencil signed by Northbanksy. Add To Cart Leandro Trossard original painting £275.00 sold out An A3 (12×16” / 30 × 40cm) painting of Leo doing his goggles celebration. This design comes as an artist’s original painting and is acrylic on canvas/deep edged wooden gesso art panel. It is stencil signed by Northbanksy. Add To Cart